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The law of technical system development

The transition from the sphere of the possible to the realm of real one.

Procedure of formation of laws fo development of technical systems
The mastering of TRIZ not only allows the formulation and problem solving, but also the forecasting of technical systems.

  1. The definition of ideal development of patterns of specific technical system. Source - patent literature.
  2. The fair law of development of a particular type of technical system. Source - previous, current, or implied technical systems.
  3. The definition of the boundaries of the possible development of a particular technical system. Source - The previous two rules.
  4. Using TRIZ / ARIZ are compared and formulated ideal patterns and solving physical and technical contradictions. Source - TRIZ / ARIZ
  5. Defining of possible functions of the technical system. Source - different areas of knowledge.
  6. Analogically there are defined ideal and real functional laws (regularities) of a particular kind of technical system for its structure, as well as for its system functions.
  7. The comparison of laws of development of specific technical systems with the general patterns of ARIZ / TRIZ.
  8. The forecasting of specific technical systems based on the experience gained from the steps 1 to 7.

Any desired technical system arises from synthesis of its parts into a single unit.
But not every collection of parts creates viable system.
There are at least Three Laws , fulfillment of which is necessary for the viability of the system as a whole.

1st The law of necessity of the existence of all basic parts of technical system and
    their at least minimal working ability.

There are four main parts of technical system: the power supply, transmission gears, working parts and control system.
  If only one of these four parts is unsatisfactory (e.g.: combustion engine in the submarine) then the system
  as a whole is not operable. For the controled technical system, it is necessary that at least one of its parts is controlable.

2nd The law of neccessity of continuous energy transfer by all parts of the technical system.
This means, for example that engine power must be transferred by every subsystem. It makes no sense to increase the output power of the engine
if there is a subsystem that is not able to pass this energy out.
In the tasks that involve measurements must be ensured that the energy flow has to transmit information.
It is often needed to find out:

  1. What kind of energy it is possible to put in (the simplest input)?
  2. What kind of energy of the system is the most suitable to put out (the simplest output)?
In order to set optimal control of the technical system, all its parts (subsystems) have to be capable to transfer the same amount energy
starting from the source of energy ending up with actuators.

3rd The law of coincidence of rhythm activity of all parts of the technical system.
Accurate phasing, timing and synchronizationi of all parts of the technical system decreases its energy (time) consumption.

These first three laws define the conditions put on all parts of the system whose properties are qualitatively different
enabling the development of technical system as a whole bringing new qualitative changes.

4th The law of uneven development of individual parts of the technical system.
The more complex the system, the more uneven and more contradictory is the development of its individual parts.

Exploiting of previous four law allows us to reveal analogies between previously solved tasks that might be completely different from the first sight.
This may lead directly to the solution of the analyzed task. This allows streamlined development into perspective and objectively progressive directions.

5th The law of increasing degree of solution ideality of technical system
The case of ideal solution implies that the useful function is performed while the system itself is not needed (is vanished).
Feasible solution can therefore be stated:
"It is necessary to provide specific function, but it must be done without introducing new mechanism or device."
Thanks to formulation of ideal solution (the cover from stiff foam slag) by the help of precise rules and then determined mental operation
according to the laws allows to us to largely eliminate trial and error, serendipity (fluke), intuition, guess and enlightenment.

The basic ways of increasing the ideality degree of solution:

  1. Deepening specialization of technical system which leads to the increase of measurable parameters   
    1. the ratio of the value of the utility parameters (power, productivity, precision, ...)    
    2. to the value of the harmful effects (loss, failure, ...)    
    3. or design parameter (weight, dimensions, ...)    
    4. or economic indicator (cost, price ...).    
    5. increasing unit powers (energy, transport, mining or machine tools)    
    6. or increasing their speed (the speed of the movement)   
  2. Higher versatility - "Multifunction is better then single function."  
  3. The use of previously unused features, parameters or parts of the relevant technical system.  
  4. Transitioning to a dynamic, controlable or autocontrolable systems. This especially holds for systems with a high level of development.  
  5. Increase of the degree of alignment of various parts to each other and their surroundings.  
  6. Transitioning to super-systemu. (e.g.: Modem)  
  7. The transition from micro to macro level (if further increase of the ideality degree in given conditions is no longer possible).  
  8. Increasing the automation and removing the human factor out of the system.

6th The law of increasing of dynamics and controllability of technical systems

  1. Transition from a system with constant parameters to a system with variable parameters (aircraft with variable geometry of wings).  
  2. Transition from a system with narrowly defined functions to the multifunction system.  
  3. Transition to a system with differentiated internal conditions.  
  4. Transition to systems with higher degree of freedom.  
  5. Transition to systems with variable bounds between elements. (material bounds varying by the applied field, temperature ...)  
  6. Transition to controllable systems with increasing degree of adjustability. (using, for example phase transitions, ionization and recombination, dissociation and control synthesis electromagnetic fields,
    Transition through the establishment of well controllable opposite process
    Transition to a feedback control system  
  7. Transition from a system with static stability to system with dynamic stability achieved by adequate control of the system.  
  8. The exploitation of self-programming, self-learning and self-adjustable systems.

7th The law of tuning of technical systems
The tuning of individual subsystems among themselves and among the external environment (surroundings) happens in following steps:

  1. tuning of materials (reinforced concrete),  
  2. tuning up the shapes and sizes ("bulba" the nose bow of the boat),  
  3. tuning the rhythm of action (self-adjusting systems, self-synchronising oscillating systems - radio receiver, several pendulum clocks on the same wall)  
  4. reconciliation of subsystems of comlex systems (exclusion of embedded subsystems, generalization of individual nodes of specific subsystems, the tendency to increase the complexity of elementary parts of subsystems,     standardization elementary parts of the system)  
  5. tuning up other parameters (strength, reliability, durability, temperature (bimetallic strip), input and output electrical resistivity, magnetic and optic properties ...), can be achieved by optimizing of the functionality of the given system.

Reconciling usually takes place in three stages:
  1. tuning up the parameters of subsystem - for reinforcing the useful effect or eliminating of the harmful effect (to separate the weeds from the grain)  
  2. controlled retuning of subsystem parameters (for the acquisition of new useful effect)  
  3. transition to a dynamic detuning and tuning in preparation phase, or during an working phase of subsystems.

8th The law of transition to the supersystem level

  1. stage: qualitative definition of system items: What is it? What does the new (super)system must consist of?  
  2. stage: finding the optimal design solution: How is it organized?  
  3. stage: exploring the system in its dynamics: How the technical system changes during the interaction with environment (external environment)?  
  4. stage: the forecast of development: Technically how will be the system further developed?

Transition and incorporation of the technical system to supersystem can be done in one of three ways:
  1. way: The creation of a supersystem from homogeneous (or identical) systems.  
  2. way: The creation of a supersystem from competing (alternative) systems. (when a system has reached the peak of its development)  
  3. way: The creation of a supersystem from antagonistic systems (the systems with opposite functions) for the increase of the controlability degree.
In this way the three basic types of systems are formed:
  1. Supersystem from virtually separate systems, which stay unchanged after the connection.
  2. Supersystem from partially altered system, mutualy tuned up
  3. Supersystem from completely changed, of fully harmonized systems, which can operate only within the supersystem (Spiral Transition: monosystem-bisystem-polysystem-monosystem)
Stages of development of supersystem:
  1. stage: the group of elements (system with zero linkage between elements)
  2. stage: partial simplification of the system
    1. The efficiency of created supersystem can be increased primarily in the linkage development (strengthening of bonds the increase the dynamism of these bonds ) of all elements in this supersystemu
    2. The effectiveness of the newly created bisystems and polysystems can be increased by specialization of these elements (increasing disparity between the original elements and similar elements of new supersystem)
      1. from the homogeneous elements to the elements of differentiated characteristics (multi-packed pencil)
      2. from the element with differentiated characteristics to the the diverse elements (pens with compasses arm)
      3. from heterogenous elements to the integrated elements - the "element + anti-element" (pencil with eraser)
  3. stage: fully simplified system (multifunctional house)
  4. stage: an integrated system - new monosystem (qualitatively new internal environment in supersystem)

The law of transition to micro-level
The transition to micro-level is taking place in several stages:

  1. stage: the interaction of complex subsystems or components of complex shapes (the parts of the system at the macro level).
  2. stage: the interaction of simple shaped elements (flat, cylindrical, spherical, ...).
  3. stage: mutual interaction of small components (powder, vessels of the capillary-porous materials).
  4. stage: changes in the crystal lattice of a substance (phase transitions of a substance, alternation of the molecular structure of the substance).
  5. stage: chemical reaction (decomposition and synthesis, catalytic reactions, polymerization, ...)
  6. stage: interactive processes between atoms and interaction within the atom (radiation, streams of elementary particles, ...)
  7. stage: the interaction between sustances and fields (magnetic and electric properties of materials, ionization, ...)

10th The law of the gradual excretion of human participation by increasing of the completeness of technical system
Technical system is considered complete if it is composed of all the elements required to ensure the functions of the system without the complicity of man. The full technical system must provide the following three functions:

  1. level: ensuring primary function of the technical system  
  2. level: management of the process of ensuring primary function  
  3. level: data management and implementation of regulatory and management orders in the process for the ensuring of the primary function
The complete technical system consists of three parts: energy, energy converters and executive body.
Main parts of the technical system
Funkctional level a. Executive body b. Converter of c. Source of
1. Functional maintanace tool force and energy energy
2. Proces control controlling device orders orders
3. Information and decision making sensors information decisions

Stages of the exclusion process of a human factor from a technical system:  
  1. Functional level: the maintanance of the main function    
    1. using Tools (club, stone knife, ax, ...)     
    2. the use of the energy conversion mechanisms (lever, the wedge, pulley, ...)     
    3. use of different sources of energy (natural energy - wind, water, sun, animals, thermal energy - steam engines, steam turbines, internal combustion engines, ...)    
  2. Functional level: the process management    
    1. equipment for control and manipulation with mechanisms (steering wheel on the boat ...)     
    2. mechanisms, converters in the system of machine control (rudder machines in the Navy, ...)     
    3. the device producing pulse commands to control the process - working without feedback (various copiers, ...)    
  3. Functional level: information and decision-making    
    1. sensors used as a complementary senses for human
    2. machine data analysis, aggregation and transformation of obtained information into a form suitable for the human perception    
    3. Automated Control Systems
On the 1st level the physical qualities of a person (cardinality) are required at level 2 is the sensual perception of human (person) is required,
the 3rd level the intellectual power of human is required. There is however a 4th level which manifests itself by increasing social
power of man. It should be emphasized that the systems at a higher level do not fully remove systems on the lower level (eg .: car and bicycle).

11th The law of increasing of the VEPOL degree
The TRIZ/ARIZ methodology uses for the modeling purposes the specific language - so called VEPOL analysis. VEPOL models are models representing minimal technical systems.
These models express the interaction of two material elements (tools and products) from certain substances (VEscestva) in some field (POLi),
characterizing the energy of the interaction. As a tool there can also interact substances that form vicinity (external environment) of the system.

The development of modern technical system takes place in the direction of increasing the degree of VEPOL, which means

  1. Non-VEPOL (given only one element) and incomplete VEPOL (given only 2 elements) of the system transform into complete VEPOL (given two material elements and a field).  
  2. The increase of the dispersion degree of particles of B2 (Tools).  
  3. VEPOL tend to change into the FEPOL (VEPOL in which a ferromagnetic element is present, mostly from small particles and the magnetic or electromagnetic field).  
  4. VEPOLs and FEPOLs transform themselves into double or chain VEPOL or FEPOL system, into biVEPOLs or biFEPOLs, or into polyVEPOLs and polyFEPOLs.  
  5. The increase of the number of such links in the system that can be controlled.  
  6. VEPOL and FEPOL use such substances and fields, that allow, without increasing of the complexity of the system (by introducing other substances), implementation     of desired physical phenomena and effects, expanding the functional possibilities of the system and hence increasing the level of ideality of the system ...